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Testimonials archive

Blog Post: Comparing Datasets

Blog Post: Copying/Transforming a REF CURSOR in Oracle 10g+

Blog Post: Describing a REF CURSOR in Oracle 10g+ Using PL/SQL, Java and C


09 Apr 2011 Steven Feuerstein

Extract from Steven Feuerstein's Oracle PL/SQL Programming Newsletter April 2011:

"This month, I am happy to feature the work of Finn Ellebaek Nielsen, my good friend, all-around Oracle expert (especially in PL/SQL), and Oracle test coach (he probably knows Quest Code Tester for Oracle and the general automated testing space for PL/SQL better than anyone else in the world)".

19 Jul 2010 Steven Feuerstein

Extract from Steven Feuerstein's comment on Finn's announcement to leave the PL/SQL Challenge:

"Finn describes accurately the extent of his involvement. He very politely does not explain how his skills as an Oracle generalist and his methodical approach to software development were such invaluable complements to my incredibly narrow specialization in PL/SQL and my, well, shall we simply say less disciplined style.

Without Finn, we couldn't have enhanced the PL/SQL Challenge site so rapidly over the past several months. He was responsible for the redesign in 1.3, the implementation of the ToadWorld daily quiz, the playoff quiz series, the news ticker and so much more.

I, of course, still have Sumneva experts at my disposal, but there is no doubt that:

  1. I will greatly miss Finn's contribution, guidance and care.
  2. The pace of change at the PL/SQL Challenge will slow down.


Finn, thanks for being such an excellent friend and critical support in this endeavor. I couldn't have gotten here without you.

Warmest regards,


Reference: PL/SQL Challenge: Announcement from Finn Ellebaek Nielsen.

Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional (OCP Advanced PL/SQL)

OCP Advanced PL/SQL

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 (SCJP)


ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (ISTQB CTFL)


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