Ellebæk Consulting ApS
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Ellebæk Consulting background

Ellebæk Consulting background

Blog Post: Comparing Datasets

Blog Post: Copying/Transforming a REF CURSOR in Oracle 10g+

Blog Post: Describing a REF CURSOR in Oracle 10g+ Using PL/SQL, Java and C


Ellebæk Consulting ApS was founded by Finn Ellebæk Nielsen in 1996.

Finn has worked as an IT architect/developer in Denmark, Italy and England since 1987. He is proficient in a wide range of technologies, including, Java, C++, XML, Web programming (HTML, JavaScript, JSON, REST), Oracle SQL and PL/SQL.

Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Certified Professional (OCP Advanced PL/SQL)

OCP Advanced PL/SQL

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 (SCJP)


ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (ISTQB CTFL)


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